Thursday, April 16, 2009

Pirate and Princess Party.

We all know that pirates have a fascination for treasure and princesses have adore sparkles and jewels, so when throwing a pirate and princess party make sure you have plenty of both.  All of these craft items were created for the Young Artist Sidewalk Sale held during the Central Pennsylvania Festival of the Arts in my hometown.  Everything was hand crafted to inspire the imagination and creative play of any aspiring pirate or princess.
The girls had fun discovering their treasure which included, treasure boxes stained, felt lined and decorated with jewels and glitter paint. 
These wooden daggers were cut out with a jigsaw, beveled with a belt sander, spray painted, and decorated with felt, ribbon, jewels, and glitter paint.  If high powered machinery is a little much then try your local craft supply store for plain wooden swords and decorate them yourself.
Pictured below are easy to make, colorful pirate flags sporting the skull and crossbones symbol. Recycle fun material and use your favorite patterns on a large square of felt.

This pirate's favorite part of the costume was the pom pom parrot.  He had so much fun saying "Polly want a cracker?" that he didn't notice the clothes pin on the bottom that he could use to attach it to his shoulder. 

Don't forget to set the table. 

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